Court Cause Lists as a Digital Public Good

Hi everyone,

The PUCAR Learning Circle #2 took place early this week.

In LC#2 Surya Prakash BS from DAKSH shared his work on court Cause Lists as a Digital Public Good. Cause Lists serve not only as court schedules but also uphold the open courts principle. However, their current format and publication pose barriers to digital access for citizens, litigants, and legal practitioners. To address this, Surya discussed how might we as a community go about developing (a) standards (including for privacy) and an ontology for cause lists, (b) tools that courts can quickly adopt.

You may see the video recording of LC#2 here:
Notes from the call and the deck used are in the video description.

More about PUCAR Learning Circles
PUCAR is a public mission to transform the dispute resolution experience of citizens.

Over the past few years, we have closely witnessed the growth of new ideas and leaders that are changing the dispute resolution landscape in India. Innovators are chipping away at different dimensions of the problem - from preventing disputes altogether to providing multiple pathways to resolution.

Very often, when we have been stuck, we have found value in drawing from the perspectives of this peer community to strengthen our ideas and approach. Other times, we discovered the synergies and compounding effects in each others’ efforts. We trust it has been much the same for you.

As the field changes fast, and we have short windows of opportunities to act, it becomes even more important to harness collective wisdom and effectively learn together.

The Learning Circle is a monthly space for us to meet regularly and learn about emerging ideas and developments from peers that impact our field. A space for us to share our efforts, our stuckness, and opportunities with each other with the openness to learn from one another.

Please reach out to me, if you’d like to be a part of the next one. :slightly_smiling_face: